
Acrylic on canvas
96 x 67 cm

MXN $77,000

*Prices before tax.

Born on January 4, 1938 in Mérida, Yucatán. At the age of 17 he arrived in Mexico City, where he lived until 1975. In 1959 he began to paint and exhibited for the first time in 1965 at the Juan Martín Gallery; that same year he participated in the IV Youth Biennial in Paris, France. Three years later he became a founding member of the Salón Independiente. It has been said a lot that Gabriel Ramírez Aznar has known how to be faithful to his aesthetic intuition as a painter, rejecting conventions, fashions, market demands and criticism itself, perpetuating his pictorial work driven by color, climate, light and his life. in his native Yucatán. However, Ramírez Aznar is not only the owner of a singular and unique style, but he is considered one of the most important artists in Yucatán and one of the artists who contributed with his work to transform the conception of contemporary art in the country.
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