El Sueño de una Mariposa

Charcoal and acrylic on canvas
180 x 180 cm

MXN $200,000

*Prices before tax.

Mexican visual artist and printmaker. Eguía was attracted to art from an early age and finally dedicated himself to engraving at the age of 21. Throughout his career, he has worked alongside great artists such as José Luis Cuevas, Aceves Navarro, Nunik Sauret and Carla Rippey. Eguía remained in Rivera's workshop for approximately 10 years, where he began his career and participated in projects, biennials and competitions. Throughout his career, he has obtained various recognitions, such as the José Guadalupe Posada National Engraving Award in 2011, First Place in the Arte Nuevo Biennial, Second Place in Graphics and Originals on Paper, among others. “My work is the exact and detailed representation of real or imaginary objects. Through academic drawing I expose the structure, fragility and both compositional and symbolic relationship of objects, as well as their interaction with other elements. I create images that take up the spirit of the illustrations in old science books, in which the naturalistic description is composed of aesthetic and ornamental elements. In this sense, I transfer and expand the intention of objects in common use, rethinking their function in various contexts, giving rise to an alternative world to the mind and senses." It is also part of different public and private collections, such as the Georgia Museum Art from the University of Georgia, the collection of the Venezuelan American Fund for the Arts in New York or the Sebastián Foundation in Mexico City.
I See It All
$190,000 MXN
Dos Almas Navegantes
$240,000 MXN
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