Girafe rum

Etching, aquatint, carborundum and drypoint
79 x 58 cm
Fernando Cortés "Ferrus", P/A

MXN $8,000

*Prices before tax.

Fernando Cortés "Ferrus" (CDMX, 1963). Ferrus has dealt with various topics always linked to his love of books and old libraries. The work that we present to you now ˝Girafe rum˝ is the result of working with engravings from an illustrated Larousse from 1912. True to the Latin motto ludere et discere, the artist takes up a bestiary of that essential book in family libraries and plays with it. Thus, among bright and striking colors, ostriches, rhinos, a forgetful elephant, a Leo Messias parade —not the king of the jungle but the king of the soccer field. soccer—, an emperor penguin who orders heads to be cut off —like that queen of hearts who makes Alice suffer— and a hedgehog who is quite a philosopher. These are images in which the details are extremely rich. They invite you to observe them, carefully, over and over again. A charge of irony contained in his engravings denotes a critical and aesthetic intelligence that makes his proposal contemporary. Ferrus's work is related to the ancient engravers, Dürer, Goya and Rembrand, his mastery of techniques is that of a Grand Master. Ferrus is, in short, a Renaissance artist in the 21st century. Deserving of important awards such as: National System of Art Creators, Alfredo Zalce National Biennial Acquisition Award, FONCA Young Creators Scholarship. He has been a teacher of the most outstanding recording artists in Mexico of the 80s and 90s.
$8,000 MXN
León II
$20,000 MXN
El libro de la memoria
$25,000 MXN
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