Good News

Oil on wood
65 x 52 x 10 cm

MXN $55,000

*Prices before tax.

Jorge Moedano, 1970, Mexico City, is a plastic artist graduated from the San Carlos and Esmeralda academies, specializing in representations of light in matter and oil techniques on unconventional surfaces. His fragmented painting seeks to awaken the optical experience between object and space, inviting reflection on the temporality of being and an open experiment on self-awareness and aesthetic pleasure. His work is currently for sale at the Van Gogh gallery in Madrid, Monat Madrid and Benjamín Eck gallery in Berlin, he has collaborated in group and individual exhibitions in Mexico, Germany, France, Denmark and the United States. His work is part of private and public actions such as the collection of Nazar and Azucena Agacha in Valle de Bravo, the collection of the union of health workers of Mexico (CAMCO), the Azita Mujica collection and the Praxides Padilla collection, among others.
Reality factory XX
$150,000 MXN
Reality factory IX
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Reality factory XI
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Videochat 2020
$55,000 MXN
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